Matt's family vacations in Wells, Maine (Drake's Island). My family regularly vacations in Rhode Island and I must say the beaches couldn't be anymore different. When the tide goes out in Maine you gain about a football field in length of beach. It is amazing. A lot of people then partake in bocce, paddle ball, castle building, soccer/football, and so much more. Matt's Famous Family Vacation beach activities mainly include Bocce, Power Ball and Mound Building. Power ball is a game where you bounce a small ball on the surface of the water to one another. The ball never sinks, just bounces. Doesn't sound all that exciting but it is actually quite fun once you get the hang of it. The other activity, Mound Building, involves heavy duty shovels, work gloves (optional), and someone to sit on the Mound. The men will build a giant mound of sand in the middle of the beach and as the tide nears someone will sit on top of the mound until the tide takes the mound/person away. It is quite interesting. I must say that the people on the beach always enjoy watching.
For those of you who haven't experience a Maine beach or Mound Building... enjoy!
He had to get there early so he could start building his
mound before the tide started coming in.
Great example of the tools needed to build the mound.
He has his work gloves (he still got blisters) and the shovel.
He will probably kill me for posting this. Hehe...
Especially with this heat wave... wish I was in there right now!
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